
Post Your Suggestions Below!

If anyone wants to have an unhinged, controversial discussion with willing participants, you are free to do that, but this isn't the place for it, due to the bad optics of uncontrolled flame wars in an already unstable community environment.

I would suggest trying out Session. It's open source and focused on privacy. Since it's decentralized, you can't really get banned or censored, with the exception of specific groups that may choose to moderate, but a global ban would be impossible, due to the very nature of the platform. I doubt that many people would actually want to use this, but you never know.

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT responsible for anything you do on the Session platform. I am also NOT responsible for any damages that may occur in your usage of it. BYOND is also NOT responsible for any of the above. Use this at your own risk.
Why use a 3rd party website when you could just use Gigachat?


"Controversial Discussion", ones man shitpost is another mans smile.
Aye. If you want to discuss hot topics, GigaChat is your best bet. It's shiny and new and absolutely without moderation or censorship. Log in, /join any channel you like, and discuss whatever, with whomever you /invite to your channel.

</shameless plug>