Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
A way to differentiate between when a client naturally logs out, versus when they are disconnected (i.e., loss of connection, client crash, etc.)
If the client sends a quit message first then it should be possible to determine this on the server side (with the caveat it might not be perfect), but what would the syntax/language setup for this look like?
In my head, the BYOND way it might look like:

What about an argument for client/Del() to tell how the client was disconnected?

status of 0 = not finished connecting
status of 1 = currently connected
status of -1 = intentional disconnection
status of -2 = connection died

This would be set prior to client.Del()
In response to Kozuma3
While I'm not against arguments being added specifically to client/Del(), historically, Del() doesn't have arguments across the board.

I'd much rather be able to see the connection state of the client via var access. If that's not feasible, then eh.

In response to Spevacus
Spevacus wrote:
While I'm not against arguments being added specifically to client/Del(), historically, Del() doesn't have arguments across the board.

Backwards Compatibility ftw

I'd much rather be able to see the connection state of the client via var access. If that's not feasible, then eh.

Once the client disconnects you'd usually not have access to it, if Del() arguments were to be added while it's being disconnected you could handle the client's mob as needed.