
Joined: Aug 19 2002

I made a game called Naruto GOA, Prior projects include Dragonball Gekisen and Project Gaia. I am inactive now as I am old!


Aug 23, 12:54 pm
I remember those where some good Times!
Aug 23, 12:54 pm
Masterdan Miss you DBGekisen Game Hope you Bring it back for Good Times!! Please I also Don't Mind Hosting it

Use to play way back 20+years ago I have kids my self And Id Love to show them this amazing Game!

Message me or Email [email protected]

Miss Oh the Memories, My friends showed me this game and they Even paid to have a Guild Created Called Darkness!! Good Times!!!!!
Elemental Master Zeek
Aug 17, 1:36 pm
The greatest of all time, thank you!
Jan 26, 11:29 am
You are A LEGEND... Thanks for the adventures. Hope you are doing fine!
Dec 13 2022, 10:53 pm
You're the man thank you so much for the life time memories. I Love Gekisen and I will write a manga based on my experience and the people I met. :D Who remember's the Mystic/ Ssj2 Bug?

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Official GOA, rebranded
Hi Lummox Jr, Noticed that GOA's hub was taken down due to some copyright claim. We had removed any reference to the …
I noticed after my last blog post that the argument I am trying to make and the argument that is being perceived are …
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This game currently has more players than Nestalgia: hubpic/66742_4022.bmp That is a …
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No this is not a review, I have not played Nestalgia enough to call this a review, I have entered the game and played …
Its absolutely fantastic in every way. So far I've surprisingly been enjoying the protoss the most. This is unusual as …
Hi, I haven't posted much on my blog in a while and I figured that for all the people who do care I'd sort of let them …
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Just a thought I want to convey to everybody waiting for a game to be developed and developing a game of their own, try …
From an interview with playboy. articles/ayn-rand-playboy-interview/ index.html PLAYBOY: …
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It sucked. It started strong, then they proceeded to bring in too many characters, not develop them enough, failed to …
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4 Years and a Bachelor of Commerce degree later. It hasnt quite sunk in that Im done.. hmm, pretty exciting though.
I get asked this a lot, from my engineer friends and others who don’t really follow the financial sector and American …
This is a video about elementary logic, rationality and the scientific method. It is centered around the idea of …
God help us all, in the midst of an Economic Crisis that has been precipitated by the collapse of the housing economy, …
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I am about to blow your mind. a) Barack Obama is the number 1 recipient of campaign contributions from AIG b) AIG …
"Among the many earmarks are $485,000 for a boarding school for at-risk native students in western Alaska and $1.2 …
posted from an ipod,please forgive typos. Isnt it a sign of rational weakness that neo cons continue to reduce complex …
I loved it, there were things that had to be changed in order to fit into a 3 hour movie but it was done masterfully. I …
1.) Do you believe that there is value in emotion, passion, love or generally having faith in others? 2.) Do you …
SilkWizard thinks it is a consensus that anybody who opens a history book will see. Here's what he had to say! "(Hes …
Talking about the Stimulus package and how ridiculous some people are being. Ill start with explaining the situation to …
16 img242/6827/ howtonotfailatlifepn3he9.png This has some good points especially for this …
Two pretty significant changes have been made to the guild to try and make the game submission and review submission …
18 Naruto/431/01/ Ahh, about time Naruto actually got to fight. I was so sick of this Uchiha …
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Marking the anniversary that I am now 3 years too old to be here! Im 21 ;) Also ill be MIA for the next few days as a) …
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>:|, ill explain the freaking crisis thats happening right now in Canada. We have a few political parties that get …
Lummox Jr has officially given popularity priority to games with screenshots, so basically if you want your game to be …
It seems that the rules posted on the front page have been somewhat successful however not entirely understood or …
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CNN is calling Ohio for Barack Obama now, okay so CNN has not always been right (See 2000 election) about calling a …
Dont let polls that make Obamas victory look definate keep you home on election day. Misleading stats such as a 99% win …
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I'm making a quick post on the Barack Obama Infomercial because god knows if you get your political news from …
Hey so this is my personal blog i figure i should post about myself and whats been going on with me. Basically the …
I would like to thank everybody for dedicatedly waiting for Naruto GOA to come back online, i know some people thought …
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153 players are waiting to play! >_<, GOA will be up soon. Just setting up the shells. Edit: 212 players are waiting to …
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Sort of missed my self made deadline. Got a little obsessed with making the GUI icons for the passive skills look …
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Ahh the update is due in 2 days, a deadline is definately a procrastinators worst enemy and thats why i made it …
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Okay so now that BYOND Anime is officially bloated with too many game submissions, I have talked with Tom and we will …
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Hey, so anybody who does not follow the forum probably would like to know whats going on with NarutoGOA, Basically i …
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You start as a one celled organism, you end up exploring space and being able to do whatever you want with planets …
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Hello, the BYOND anime guild has a variety of features and purposes to get all players of all anime based games to …
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I know, this should go without saying, but here goes. It was an April Fools Joke!! Notice a few tip offs, the post was …
At the request of Foomer and a very valid suggestion, i have decided to remove the scoring metric from the reviews. …
Naruto GOA 1.30 is to be released later today for beta testing. GOA 1.30 was actually coded in completion a few …
YEESSS 4 years of this bug, 4 years with nothing but hacky workarounds and finally, finally a cure. Im so happy …
They fixed the login screen/ input/ alert/ apparently background process bug!! HAZAA, the world is saved, the bug thats …
I feel like the gameplay failings on SS13 are like the giant purple elephant in the room that nobody is noticing but …
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Some info: He never supported the Iraq war, during 2002 during the ultimatum to Saddam from GWB Barack protested the …
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Got banned from posting on SilkWizards member page after a fairly pathetic retort by him on an argument about the …
Hey, does anybody know if theres a way to make it so when a process crashes (Dreamdaemon.exe in particular), the …
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