Post your comments here!
your welcome :P
Sadly I don't donate membership >.< Don't have that kind of cash.
Can i be added as game hub editor? :P

I can do update statements on it, so people have a look on what is done
Tafe wrote:
Can i be added as game hub editor? :P

I can do update statements on it, so people have a look on what is done


Add my key.
Hey, Atrio. I too, need a Membership. Help a fellow man out? If you want to talk about a deal, my MSN is as follows: [email protected]
i just read people comments on here, EmoMafia, that was pathetic asking here for membership, :/ eh..
Make your prokect online again plox.
I'm getting off, and going to bed, been up all night. If you still wanna talk message me on MSN in like 10 hours from now, peace.
Hey I like the GFX you did but I asked for a blue white scheme. I only sent the image as an example of the style but colors different. Sorry if I didn't make that clear enough. Do you think you can change it and also get rid of the black lines? Thanks. Great job.
but the colors still have that dark feel to the image.
Oh I apologize I did the GFX and realized you wanted a different color. I apologize I will redo it later, or when I have the time.
Hello Tyga Im Rigor And I Like The Way You set up the Game You Are Working On.
Can you add me on pager?

Brother contact me on byond ASAP please!
Add me on MSN. [email protected].
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