Dragonball: Expansive Universe

by Furry Chicken
Strictly roleplay DBZ game
seems pretty good but the hud needs to be more streamlined too much cluter and confusion everywhere i shouldn't have to be clicking twenty buttons to open each individual tab like inventory and stats it should just be auto shown
I agree Mastergamerxxx. The HUD is really confusing. Furry you should make the tab system and shit somewhat similar to DU's or Phoenix to make shit easier for players. Other than that, the game seems to be really good..
Me and my friends still talk about this game and miss it! It was rough around the edges at times, but we really enjoyed it, and Furry Chicken was a great moderator.

If you ever read this, all of us, we really hope your life is going great.

Thank you for the fun times, the fun memories, and the friendships we made. :)