
by PaperClip Productions
Fight alone or with your friends against a never ending army of infected. Can you survive? [More]
Version 43
Date added: Dec 7 2010
Last updated: Oct 23 2022
257 fans

[Extras] [Bonus features]

1 Game Live!

Only Windows users can play this game. If you are using an emulator, enter the URL for the game in File | Open Location on your BYOND pager menu.

byond://BYOND.world.1900630168 [Dedicated Server(v4.4)
Hosted by Paperclip Productions
Map: House (Small)
Round 1(Medium)
Fast Zombies On | Down Allowed

0/10 Players]

No players.
Check out the sequel, Quarantine 2!

After a freak accident that caused the mutation of humans, turning them into raging infected. A group of scientists set out to find a cure. They succeded. Now you and your teammates(friends) must protect them from the horde for as long as you can.

Can you survive?

F - Fire
R - Reload
WSAD/Arrows - Movement
Space - Interact
G - Get
C - Switch Primary/Secondary Weapon
V - Speak
K - Melee
*Click doors to open

Other Information:
Zombie amount doubles each round; so does your gain in cash.
After all the players die your progress is reset.
Zombie Cap: 30.
Click doors to open.
Streaks/Medals/Sprees disabled on Easy Mode.
- Machine parts spawn on Round 2.
- Hell Hounds spawn on Round 3
- Round 5 Infected begin throwing small objects
- Round 7 Hell Hounds only

Subscriber Benefits:
Benefits coming soon!

Singleplayer and multiplayer available.

Designed and created by Nicholas R using the BYOND Engine.

Recent Medals

Unstoppable Spree

Earned by Tyren6
Aug 20, 8:25 pm

Unstoppable Spree

Earned by NathanTheHuman
Aug 11, 1:11 pm


Don1155: (Jan 16 2022, 4:03 am)
me and my buddy tried to play and we couldnt start the round with the button thing. we could interact with other things but not the button
Magicbeast20: (Apr 28 2021, 7:52 am)
Testing server is back up and running!
Gooseheaded: (Jun 16 2011, 4:12 am)
Very intense and well done, this definitly has a bright future waiting for it.
Mr. Robert: (Jun 9 2011, 2:43 am)
Although the concept is great,
there's still an issue with the game feeling very clunky and finicky.
Movement is still touchy, when tapping once on a directional arrow, the player sometimes moves 2 tiles, instead of the proper 1 tile.
The shooting responds nearly 1/2 the time, which isn't too much of an issue because the undead hordes aren't that scarey to begin with, but being able to shoot properly would be appreciated.
Speaking of shooting, there's still quite a few errors using Shadowdarke's PixelProjectile's lib. Although it's a nice little library, it seems as though it's not properly implemented with safety checks:
runtime error: Cannot read null.dead
proc name: Hit (/obj/sd_px_projectile/Bullet/Hit)
source file: Fire Gun.dm,584
usr: Mr. Robert (/mob/player/client)
src: Bullet (/obj/sd_px_projectile/Bullet)
call stack:
Bullet (/obj/sd_px_projectile/Bullet): Hit(Top (/obj/BodyPart/Top))
Bullet (/obj/sd_px_projectile/Bullet): UpdatePosition()
FirePixelProjectile(Mr. Robert (/mob/player/client), 90, /obj/sd_px_projectile/Bullet (/obj/sd_px_projectile/Bullet))

As for feature requests, I would like to see more work being done on the character animations, more weapons(combat bow, blades, 2 types for each category[assault, sniper, smg, mg, shotgun, pistol, etc]), a possible map-editor/creator, and so forth.
Magicbeast20: (Apr 10 2011, 6:02 am)
Hotshot87 wrote:
how do you use ammo? I pick it up but I cant use it.

Guns have mags, which is usually 2 or 4, and when the gun runs out of ammo they use one of their mags. Once your gun runs out of mags it automatically takes ammo from ammo boxes in your inventory. After the ammo box is empty it disappears.