Bleach Last Horizon Reborn

by QP2323
Come try not done yet nee hub done and about to have a massive update [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Dec 14 2009
Last updated: Aug 19 2011
Last played: Dec 16 2009
1 fan

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75% done this just a test

CaptainReqs:this is a rp so its chosen by the head captain

Captain Commander: win captain commander torny
Captain of Squad 2:
Captain of Squad 3:
Captain of Squad 4:
Captain of Squad 5:
Captain of Squad 6:
Captain of Squad 7:
Captain of Squad 8:
Captain of Squad 9:
Captain of Squad 10:
Captain of Squad 11:
Captain of Squad 12:
Captain of Squad 13:


esoada tea party Pictures, Images and Photos
Espada Leader: win espada leader tourny
Espada Co-Leader: picked by espada leader
Espada 1:
Espada 2:
Espada 3:
Espada 4:
Espada 5:
Espada 6:
Espada 7:
Espada 8:
Espada 9:
Espada 10:


uryuu Pictures, Images and Photos

Quincy Elder win a tourney
Quincy 2:
Quincy 3:
Quincy 4:
Quincy 5:
Quincy 6:
Quincy 7:
Quincy 8:
Quincy 9:
Quincy 10:


Vaizard Leader: win vai tourny
Vaizard Co-Leader: picked by leader
Vaizard 1:
Vaizard 2:
Vaizard 3:
Vaizard 4:
Vaizard 5:
Vaizard 6:
Vaizard 7:
Vaizard 8: