N`a'r`u't`o': L`i'f`e~ o'r~ D`e'a`t`h

by ReaperKilla101
N`a'r`u't`o': L`i'f`e~ o'r~ D`e'a`t`h
Welcome to Naruto:Life or Death, this game is in the makin and will be better than expected, with kyuubi curse mark and more so come play my game and plz rank, thank u! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Dec 18 2007
Last updated: Jan 2 2009
7 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

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Owner-- ReaperKilla101 and krimkiller

Co-Owner -Reapz

2nd Co-Owner- Zahid123


Head gm -shesthedevil
Regular Gm:

Itachi: Life or Death?
Marquee Text - http://www.marqueetextlive.com
Rules (break at own risk)

1. No spamming please

2.No advertising your game

3. No asking for Genin Exams they are automatic

4.No Acad Killing

5.No complaining to GM about stupid stuff

6.No cursing (children play the games 2)

7. No hacking whatsoever we will find you and IP ban you

(First time;warning second time:a boot Third: time a small 1-4 hour ban fouth: a 2 week ban 5th perma ban ) .

(GM rules)

1. No abusing GM power

2. No summon killing

3.No giving ranks to someone cuase there your friend

4.No banning for a stupid reason

5.Must follow the punishment order above unless its hacking

(Breaking any of these will result in you losing your GM)


Genin- Pass the Exam which will be hosted auto every 20 minutes

Chuunin- pass the chuunin exam( its easier than the ones on most servers) consist of 3 parts

Jounin- 2k of each stat and killed 4 Members of organizations

ANBU- 5k of each stat and killed the leader of an organization

Sannin - Given to by your kage only 3 per village

Kage- be the strongest ninja in your village and have a minimum requirement of 7k each stat
BiiG Influences: Sammywell-Sama ( You should play his game its the bomb!! ^^ aswell as ours..lol
Hokage :

Kazekage :

Otokage :

MizuKage :

YukiKage :

Akatsuki Leader :

Sound Organization Leader :

Hebi Leader :

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