
Joined: Nov 30 2014


Mar 8 2015, 8:15 am
I might not be on
For like 2 weeks - 4 weeks

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Medals DachKinderson can earn in his favorite games

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Dragonball Supremacy

BlackStar Dragonballs

Make an BlackStar Dragonball wish!

Master of the Universe

Complete the game!



Shonen Jump Battlers - Season 1

One Step Closer!

Rank Up to higher ranks in Ranking Matches

We Will Settle This Another Time

Win a match by a Time Out in Ranking Matches

Ultra Special Finish!

Finish your opponent with a Koma Special!

So Close, Yet So Far!

Have ranked up to C Rank in Ranking Matches

Character Specialist!

Have a character who've reached C Rank from any matches!

Personal Party of Hype!

Play 50 Free-For-All Matches in a Brawl Party (8 Party Members)

Survival, The Sole Option

Survive more than 60 waves in Zombie Arcade. (Hard Difficulty Only)

Mr.Titles / Mrs.Titles

Own over 30 titles {Season 2 Trophy}

The Willpower of a Battler!

Won over 20 consecutives battles!

SJB Champion

Join a SJB Tournament and Become its Champion

A Battler Is Destined To Fight And Create Bonds

Fought your way to reach level 75 as a Battler

Hero of SJB

Survive more than 120 waves in Zombie Arcade. (Shonen Difficulty Only)

It's All About Perseverance!

Attain over 500,000 Experience through fighting {Season 2 Trophy}

The King of All Battlers

Win a KoB Official Tournament {Season 2 Trophy}

So Much Titles To Handle!

Own over 100 titles {Season 2 Trophy}

The Philosopher of Battling

Attain over 1,000,000 Experience through fighting {Season 2 Trophy}

The Adventure May End, The Journey Doesn't!

Fought your way to reach level 200 as a Battler {Season 2 Trophy}

Zombie Apocalyspe God Survivor

Survive all 200 waves in Zombie Arcade. (The Lee Bros. Difficulty Only)