Keywords: videos
200 liters of Diet Coke and 500 Mentos. What more do you need to know?

If you've never seen the fountains at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, you should definitely check it out. Here's a video that I shot a few years ago:

But that's not what this post is about. This post is about 2 guys who made their own fountain show to rival anything Bellagio has done, using only Diet Coke and Mentos.

Best. Video. Ever.
I wonder how many liters they went through on their failed attempts. That must have taken a while to get all of their steps memorized and stuff. I couldn't do that :(
That was great

Oh, how much trouble this is going to get me into with the
What a waste of junk food...

...oh, wait, Coke? Well, I guess it's better than drinking the stuff!
Wow, they should totaly turn that into a diet coke commercial, I might, maybe, buy one...not to drink, but rather to try that.
Holy crap. That was the coolest thing ever. I wonder how many times they shot themselves in the face with diet coke.
The YouTube copy was removed because whomever it was uploaded it without permission of Might want to edit the post. ;)

Diet coke taste like crap...This is a much better use for it.(On a note, anyone that care caffine free diet coke > Diet coke)
You have a pretty sick CSS.
Ha! Anyone else see the articles about this (which has apparently become a minor fad)?

Mentos loves the free advertising, while Coke thinks it is not within their "brand identity"

All I know is that Coke is going to be getting a couple more Diet Coke sales on my next grocery shopping trip... This is money they would have never gotten from me otherwise (though I buy the regular on an almost daily basis) I've just gotta do this! lol
I've seen that before :D