Hey i'm Aweso....erh i'm Jabs. i'm kinda new to the community. Well not really just freshly starting again. Heard about some good things going on here so I came back too see. I also though since I have matured since I first was here I would give learning the language another try. I also fiddle with music and art.

Enough about me let me hear from you guys. If any of you would like me to try out your games let me know also.
Hey there JabsPerson, and welcome (back?) to BYOND.
Thanks guys!! any tips for learning byond's language? last time I sort of got hung up after fiddling with the falacy and zial's tutorial.
thats hard you dont know witch open sources to trust I dont want to pick up bad habbits.
In response to JabsPerson
JabsPerson wrote:
thats hard you dont know witch open sources to trust I dont want to pick up bad habbits.

Bad habbits happen whether or not you like them, getting a basic grasp of how to do something is more important than knowing how to do it well.

Once you know how to do it at all, you can start worrying about bad habits.

This is coming from someone that learned to program pretty much exclusively off Zeta rips.#anarchy
hmm true!! thanks the advice guys.
Hello. :)

I've personally learned quite a bit about programming from making my own modifications to open source games. Even though most lessons were what not to do, I was still able to make cleaned up versions of my favorite games here and they ran better for it as well.