There are lots of NPCs in lots of games. I was just wondering which NPC is the best made NPC on BYOND. I mean there are some that just say a single phase when clicked such as "There are many guards in the castle." over and over again, but there are also some NPCs that you can talk to from a list of phases to say to them, and some follow you around on quests and fight with you. So which is the best NPC on BYOND and which game is it from? Suggestions?

Heh, anyway.. for a serious answer... the Pokemon NPCs from Pokemon Aquablue. It's pretty cool.
In response to RedlineM203
I can't find Pokemon Aquablue anywhere on the BYOND hub. Are you sure it is a BYOND game or are you just naming a non-BYOND game because it's fun?
Edit: Never mind, found it.
In response to Atomixkid
In response to RedlineM203
But I can't download that to play, so I can't see the best NPCs on BYOND.
In response to Atomixkid
They're probably not the best, but still good. Anyway... I can't host. And I don't think the ex-owner (I'm the new one, from co-owner) wants to either.
In response to RedlineM203
What can these NPCs do that make them so good?
In response to Atomixkid
They can follow... attack... wander... and stand ground. I think that's about it, but I'm a little lazy to open up the code right now.
In response to RedlineM203
You're too lazey to move the mouse about a bit and click a bit? Wow that's so cool.
Atomixkid wrote:
I mean there are some that just say a single phase when clicked such as "There are many guards in the castle." over and over again, but there are also some NPCs that you can talk to from a list of phases to say to them, and some follow you around on quests and fight with you.

I'm not saying my NPC system is the best (or even all that great), but yeah, I've got most of that...

Theres two factors that come to play when you will have a conversation with one of my NPCs.

Your influence, or reputation, which is a hidden stat that effects how well known you are to the particular NPC you're talking with.

What that NPC has already told you.

Basically, each message the NPC has has it's own list of dialogue sets. Each has it's own attributes to define what the player needs to accomplish in order to listen to it. Then within that dialogue set, there is a series of messages which are flagged as either repeatable or non repeatable. (Typically the first couple of messages being the non-repeatable introductory ones, and the final one being the non-repeatable one.)

NPC conversation and quest progress is stored in a seperate file in the same location as the player's savefile. When you interact with the NPC, it sees what the last message you heard was and weather or not it was repeatable to determine what you hear next.

The only thing I don't have yet is complex interaction, which I'm not too fond of in the first place. I might have that later on down the road, but it doesn't tie into my current project.

For the NPCs following you around and quests and stuff, I'm working on a mercenary system that uses much of the same principles. Once that's in, it wouldn't be hard to add.

Theres more to mob AI than just that though. Combat AI is where the real challenges take place. Selective target choosing based on set criteria, a counter system based on player actions, etc. Since combat in my game is heavily dependent on strategy, this is going to be the biggest challenge for me. However, I haven't started on the combat system yet. :)
The best on byond? Possibly those from Lost Realms: Corrupted Peace. They have the most player-npc interaction I have ever seen from any BYOND game, and telling from what Lord Raven told me, they'll soon be far better.
From the looks of the conversation, you're talking about primarily friendly NPCs?

In my game "In the Hood" I created bots that the host could enter into the game to fight the players. There were four levels of difficulty...

1) The bot will perform basic operations such as moving around and firing projectile weapons, but the bot has no reflexive respone to players, and moves very slowly.

2) The bot moves considerably faster and has a basic ability to dodge player weaponry. The bot is also equipped with close-range weapons and will use those it would be the best course of action.

3) Extremely fast reflexes, this bot is able to keep it's distance while still firing, or simply run in and engage in melee combat. Again, extremely fast.

4) Ultimate AI. The bot is capable of dodging projectiles in as short as 0.2 seconds, is able to fire each weapon at maximum speed, moves as fast as a player with speed boosts, and is able to predict explosives and stay out of the way.

In response to Polatrite
You're limiting it to just combat. I think they're talking about all interaction.
In response to LastTroubadour
LastTroubadour wrote:
You're limiting it to just combat. I think they're talking about all interaction.

I'm limiting it to the scope of the AI in my game, which was all combat - it's a shooter.