How do I make one of those Who's where its on a Tab and in the tab is a list of them and there icon state, then when u click them there info comes up.
Hmm thats easy
for(mob/M in world)
usr<<"<IMG CLASS=icon SRC=\ref[M.icon] ICONSTATE='[M.icon_state]'>!" [] "

thats fine
What the hell? That'll spam the person like no tomorrow!

What you want to do is create a global list veriable to hold all the players' clients or mobs. That list will get updated upon every client/Del() and client/New() with the person's key or every mob/Login() and mob/Logout() with the person's mob. Then in the Stat() proc do...
stat(list) //output the list as the FIRST argument

Not too sure about the Stat() proc, but I don't think you should ever use usr in it.