Well, I play WoW and so do like 10 million other people.
I figure some other people around Byond do too. So, why not start a Byond guild on WoW?
Anywho, if anyone is interested, post here or message me on WoW.
I'm on The Forgotten Coast, Horde, name's Tsugaru.
PST for invite, lulz.
I'm on Stormscale (pvp) with some raiding guild. I don't think making one for BYOND would be very practical.

Scyntus-70 Arcane/Fire Mage
Kallios-70 Retribution Paladin
In response to SuperAntx
We had one but I don't know what happened to it. It was a good social guild but it wouldn't have been good for anything that required a large group. Not many members, and the majority of them were pretty casual. Great guild though.
I'm on tichondrius. Give me gold.
I would suggest the name "BYOND Help"
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
I would suggest the name "BYOND Help"

I second that name suggestion ;)
Anyone on Thunderhorn? :P

62 Orc Warlock: character-sheet.xml?r=Thunderhorn&n=Balthalor

My account has been frozen a few months now, I need to go renew it....I so enjoyed playing as a warlock but aside from stopping the pay I got pissed off at the epic land mount quest for warlocks. Go into an instance that absolutely nobody goes in anymore after the Burning Crusade came out cause it's a level 60 instance. Scholomance I believe...
Bleck, don't remind me. A guild that has near 300 people in it is useless in helping one another out (especially instances) when generally between 6-10 of them are on at a time. You would probably say "join another guild" but obviously I can't do that with a frozen account. :P

They might as well rework that entire quest, surely the gold spent is much less compared to other classes but DEAR GOD the effort is so lengthy and difficult that without a proper guild and maybe luck in the auction house, chances are you just aren't getting the mount.

(sigh) off topic a little, just relieving my thoughts of WoW. On topic, I wouldn't join a BYOND guild for WoW. It's a fair idea, just I wouldn't join it.