well heres what im trying to do, a mob can enter a message and then the message gets added to a text file, and then the mob can open the text file(saved on my computer) to read it....i started with this.
mob/verb/note(m as message)
var/savefile/S = new("notes/note.txt")

it seems like it should work but i get these runtime errors

runtime error: bad file
proc name: note (/mob/verb/note)
usr: Mªgµ§ (/mob/PC)
src: Mªgµ§ (/mob/PC)
call stack:
Mªgµ§ (/mob/PC): note("hi\n")

and yeah can someone help?</<m></<ftp></<browse>
Try creating a file object (look up the file() proc), rather than a savefile.