i have this
src.client.eye = locate(16,16,1)

shouldn't it keep the client's eye at 16,16,1? well it doesn't and it doesn't do anythning
Magnus VI wrote:
i have this
> mob/client/New()
> src.client.eye = locate(16,16,1)

shouldn't it keep the client's eye at 16,16,1? well it doesn't and it doesn't do anythning

I think it should just be:
src.client.eye = locate(16,16,1)

In response to Weedman
Weedman wrote:
Magnus VI wrote:
i have this
> > mob/client/New()
> > src.client.eye = locate(16,16,1)

shouldn't it keep the client's eye at 16,16,1? well it doesn't and it doesn't do anythning

I think it should just be:
> client/New()
> src.client.eye = locate(16,16,1)

No. That will not work, because src would probably be the client, and definatly not a mob. You're trying to call a client.client.eye, a variable that does not exist.

I considered replying, but I assumed that his player was mob/client (odd path for a player, I prefer mob/player...) I couldn't figure it out, so I didn't reply.

eye = locate(16,16,1)

-<font color="#ffff00">Nova</font>
In response to Nova2000
well i solved my problem like this
usr.client.eye = locate(16,16,1)
usr.client.perspective = EYE_PERSPECTIVE

and then calling the eye() in Login()
In response to Nova2000
yes thats wut my quickness gets me -_- lol
i just copy/paste what Magnus wrote
In response to Magnus VI
like Lummox said, "Never use usr in procs!!!!!" use
In response to Weedman
usr is not always invalid in procs. But, as a rule, if you're using it in a proc, then there's a 75% chance you're using it wrong (remember that verbs are procs!). If you're using it in a movement proc, there's a 99.99% chance you're using it wrong. In other words, unless if you know what usr is, and you know that's what you want, then don't use it.
I put client.eye == blah under my login proc.