turn() didn't work correctly with generator objects.
BYOND Version:514
Operating System:Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 115.0
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Resolved (515.1610)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
When applying Turn(45) to a generator, I would expect it to rotate 45 degrees. Instead it appears to set the system's initial velocity to 0
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
These are simple defaults for your project.

fps = 25 // 25 frames per second
icon_size = 32 // 32x32 icon size by default
maxx = 4
maxy = 4
view = 6 // show up to 6 tiles outward from center (13x13 view)

step_size = 8
particles = new/particles/test

particles = new/particles/test/modified

obj/mathtester/proc/make_adjustments() //Rotate the system 90 degreees, apply a leftward drift to the system, and turn it red.
var/generator/number = generator("vector", list(1,6,0), list(-1,6,0), UNIFORM_RAND) //No change regardless of if a new instance is made, or if the original generator is referenced.
particles.velocity = number.Turn(45) //appears to null the velocity?
particles.color = "red"//to show that we're accessing the right thing and properly.

icon = 'test.dmi'

if(x==2 && y==2) // Spawn a reference system at 2,2
new /obj(src) //Reference system.

if(x==1 && y==1) //Spawn our modified system at 1,1 and make it visually clear.
var/obj/mathtester/M = new(src)
icon_state = "green"

/particles/test //all numbers are arbitrarily chosen.
width = 128
height = 128
count = 600
spawning = 1
lifespan = generator("num", 5, 15)
fade = 3
color_change = 0.1
position = generator("circle" ,0, -0, rand = LINEAR_RAND)
velocity = generator("vector", list(1,6,0), list(-1,6,0), UNIFORM_RAND) //Except this one.

color = "black"

Expected Results:
I expected the system to rotate 45 degrees.
Actual Results:
The system does not impart initial velocity at all.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)

None so far as I can tell, appears to be an engine issue.
I was able to produce runtimes at one point with this but I cannot seem to any longer, unsure why.

It is as such in

    proc/operator_turn(a) return new/generator(turn(_binobj, a))
_binobj = turn(_binobj, a)
return src
which I have found thus far that it does not provide any insight of note.

Here is a link to my test case. 1132580710021091428/
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
turn() didn't work correctly with generator objects.