Here's a good easy formula.
var/price = base_price + (10 - stock_level) * 20  // Price increases as stock decreases
return price

One of my aspirations is to adapt the Runescape experience chart into real-world applications, such as driving. The concept is intriguing: for example, at level forty, one could metaphorically be driving 'off-road,' and by level sixty, engaging in 'rally racing.' You can find the original chart here: Runescape Experience Chart
I've been experimenting with a basic formula for this idea:
carDriving = ((rand(10, 100) * totalKilometers) / speedDriving)

However, I acknowledge that the current formula is rather rudimentary. Despite that, the broader concept of applying an 'experience point' (XP)-based framework to life-learning applications—such as driving or even programming—holds substantial potential. This approach could effectively gamify skill development, making it both engaging and rewarding.

In addition to exploring these concepts, I recently finished reading The Blue Book. While I only slowed down for specific sections, I plan to review it periodically to deepen my understanding. Here is a link for reference: The Blue Book

I've also been exploring JavaScript. Below is a simple example I encountered:
text = "helloworld"
for (i = 1; i <= text.length; i++) {
usr << "[text[i]]"

When I asked an AI for a variation of this, it suggested an approach that involved spans, leading to the following code snippet:
 for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
const span = document.createElement("span");
span.textContent = text[i]; = `${fontSize}px`;
fontSize += 2;

While I'm still in the early stages of practicing JavaScript, I'm curious if there are more straightforward approaches for creating something that involves incremental font sizes. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

ChatGPT hasn't seen a lot of DM so it often writes junk code with other languages mixed in—in this case, dodgy JavaScript. It isn't really reliable as a source for code.

To output bigger text, something like player << "<big>[mytext]" would work, or you can replace the big tag with "<span style='font-size:120%'>" or something.
I apologize for any shortcomings in my understanding of philosophy. It seems that philosophy often plays a key role in the creation of formulas that influence outcomes. I regret any confusion I may have caused and appreciate your patience. I'm committed to improving and truly giving my best effort from now on.

In the context of Dream Maker (DM), I've been experimenting with certain formats. For example:
proc/MouseDrop(over_object, src_location, over_location, src_control, over_control, params)

Here's another example related to spell effects:
proc/spawnSpellEffect(initialLength, initialWidth, areaOfEffect, duration, retractionRate)

Consider the formula:
initialLength = (magicLevel / baseDivision) * duration

For instance, 50 divided by 10 equals 5, and multiplying 5 by 5 gives 25—resulting in 25 tiles of effect. My aim is to develop a formula that effectively enhances a magic spell. It’s fascinating to think about how traditional MMO formulas can be adapted, especially in the era of AI advancements. The AI revolution is incredible, and I find it amusing and enlightening to watch AI models being trained with prompts provided by skilled technicians.

On another note, I'm making progress with C#. I'm beginning to grasp the following:
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
Player player = new Player("Hero");
Skeleton skeleton = new Skeleton("Bones");

class Character {
public static void Attack() {
// Attack logic here

class Player : Character {
public void Character(string name) {
// Player-specific logic here

class NPC : Character {
// NPC-specific logic here

class Skeleton : NPC {
public virtual override void Attack() {
Console.WriteLine($"{blabla.Name} bites {target.Name}");

This is a basic implementation, but I'm gradually understanding how C# classes and inheritance work. Thank you for your support and guidance—I'm determined to keep learning and improving.