
Joined: Jan 18 2003

Home page

This is how bacon is -supposed- to be

Magicsofa's Favorite Games

A wave-based shooter in the works.
by Magicsofa | Dec 19 2012
Tags: action, shooter
At Symbol Causes Inexcusable Injuries
by Domdavden | Sep 13 2019
An innovative, sandbox original-fantasy RP game
Play as your favorite horror movie villain and slay your friends!
by Magicsofa | Mar 9 2019
Tags: casual, puzzle
A Healthy Plant-Based Puzzle Game
by Magicsofa | Oct 21 2013
A Tragedy of Science
by Phat T | May 11 2019
Survive and shoot them down !

Magicsofa's Favorite Resources

by Taitz | May 26 2019
Demo for Realms library

Magicsofa's Favorite People