
Joined: May 8 2007


Slickleo's Favorite Games

Come and Play!!
In desperate need of a Pixel artist, please apply on forms.
by Kinotsu | May 22 2007
Unleash your zanpaktou!
200+ Jutsu that you can combine to make your own jutsu’s. Sub clan system to get 1/2 of another clan’s jutsu. Tons of ...
by McMekko | Jan 18 2008
Oldschool Naruto game from 2006. Updated 3-08-2019 it will be up soon
2023 Edition - Random Villages gone. Slowly working toward a 1.0 version remake*
by Kang 123q | Apr 9 2007
New Naruto game that beats all the other Naruto games, Bleach, One Piece, Avatar and other anime games. Join the game ...