ByMail Client

by Bandock
Mailing System for BYOND! Mail can be sent to anyone, even non-members! All you need is a working internet, no DMB Hosting required! (just as long the main server works)
Allows you to send mail to anyone, even non-members! With an active main server, you are able to send mail to others. Absolutely no need to host DMB files; all is needed is internet access.

Thanks to various people for testing and thanks to Evi of au for providing webspace.

(Download Temporarily Disabled due to Web Server downage.)

Version 1.03
Reply Button has been implemented.

Version 1.02
Date sent field now implemented. (due to a server upgrade)
Some typos fixed

Version 1.01
Case sensitivity bug fix for the client itself and server.

Version 1.0
Initial Release