
by Kaiochao
A fun little game. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Kaiochao.Break##version=3

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1
Date added: Aug 31 2013
Last updated: Sep 4 2013
5 fans
Knock a ball around to take down all the evil red blocks.

Controls (in case you missed them in-game)
Move with the left and right arrow keys.
Launch the ball with the spacebar.

Check out byond://Kaiochao.Breakout for a demo (with source!) of how to make your own Breakout clone!


Mikey Reborn: (Sep 2 2013, 1:54 pm)
Flick wrote:
Couple things:

For some reason, I couldn't get it to run when installing from the 'play' link. I had to download the zip and run it from there. Probably a Byond issue, but figured I'd mention it here as well.

I got the ball 'stuck' at one point.

It stuck to the edge of my paddle when I caught it right up against the wall, and I couldn't get it off.

Well done overall, though the moving background annoys me a little.

Yea I also had to download zip to play and run it from there
Flick: (Sep 2 2013, 10:30 am)
Couple things:

For some reason, I couldn't get it to run when installing from the 'play' link. I had to download the zip and run it from there. Probably a Byond issue, but figured I'd mention it here as well.

I got the ball 'stuck' at one point.

It stuck to the edge of my paddle when I caught it right up against the wall, and I couldn't get it off.

Well done overall, though the moving background annoys me a little.
Kaiochao: (Sep 2 2013, 8:31 am)
Right, that's a problem with the demo that I fixed in the game by adding a background. I'm not sure how much I should update the demo because I think it'd be nice if other people could extend it instead.
FIREking: (Sep 2 2013, 12:56 am)
1 small suggestion, perhaps indicate on the sides where the walls really are for users that maximize the window and have wide screens.
Mikey Reborn: (Sep 1 2013, 11:08 pm)
Wow this game was really well done and well polished as Kidpaddle45 stated. I enjoyed finding this and playing it for about 30 minutes so thank you!