
Joined: Sep 18 2003

Win with Ease.


Mar 16 2017, 2:26 pm
Which of you beautiful bastards gifted me a membership?
Dec 23 2014, 2:19 am
I don't know where else to put this little rant, so it shall go here:

Re: Developer Help.

Dear people-in-need-of-help.

You care about yourself (like any human) more than anyone else. Fact. Let's pick an arbitrary value, and say you care twice as much. To be honest, it's probably closer to ten, but whatever.

Copy and pasting your code takes you 5 effort.
Writing a proper description of your problem, and using proper English, takes 10 effort.

So your effort, dividing by the factor of your-self-interest, is:
1/2 * (5 + 10) = 7.5

Reading your problem takes 2 effort.
Thinking up a solution takes 10.
Writing out that solution, with proper English, takes 10.

Thus, people answering your problem spend 22 effort.

This is why you MUST write in proper English and describe your problem as best as possible.

If you can't be bothered to put in 7.5 effort for your own issue, how can you expect others to put in 22+?

Yours Sincerely,
Aug 9 2013, 7:52 pm
Hey, I played the game and it was pretty fun. Just wanted to say I do iconning from time to time and if you want help with icons, Id be glad to help out, if not just wanted to say the game was fun to play and hopefully you can add more later on.
Mar 22 2013, 3:13 am
Stark Realities has finally reached Alpha status for the first chapter. Singleplayer only at the moment.


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Ease's Games
Game Of Thrones Board Game - Online
A recreation of the Game Of Thrones Board Game
Only the deadly AIDs virus can kill the evil dictator!
3D maze... almost.
About Maze
A simple Pong game made in under 3 hours.
Re: About Pong
Stark Realities - Alpha
Roleplaying Game focused on powered-exoskeletons.
Alpha Version - New Bug
Ease's Libraries
PixelProjectiles v2.E
An update of Shadowdarke's PixelProjectiles
Re: About PixelProjectiles v2.E