I have always been trying to figure out handy little things that would make the development side easier, and the user side easier, at the same time. Well, this time I think I have a pretty good idea.....

Web-based maps!

It didn't seem very big when I first thought of it, but once I decided to make it, it seemed like it could be huge o.o

Ok.. This describes the general concept of the thing:

1) You have a map in your game... And you find yourself making changes to the map often enough that it is beginning to get tiresome to redistribute updates of the game...
2) You have a personal website that you can use for uploading files...
3) You want to link them together

Now... Thats pretty much what gave me the idea for this. Now I'm just debating if it would be worth it to make into a library...

Basically, if you think I should, then post your feedback. If you think I shouldn't, then please explain why.

If you would like more details, then just ask ^^;
Do you mean something like Lummox JR's SwapMaps?
In response to Schnitzelnagler
Schnitzelnagler wrote:
Do you mean something like Lummox JR's SwapMaps?

not quite. This would allow you to link to a web page, and have that page control the map, rather than having everything hard-coded. Its more like having the map file split into several other files, which would be easy to edit, and then having your game put the files back together at runtime to load the map. Kinda hard to explain..
In response to The_Zergling
The_Zergling wrote:
This would allow you to link to a web page, and have that page control the map

world.Export and world.Import seem to be easy enough as not to require a library (in my eyes).

The_Zergling wrote:
rather than having everything hard-coded.

As far as I understand the library, the intention is to avoid a hard-coded map.

The_Zergling wrote:
Its more like having the map file split into several other files, which would be easy to edit, and then having your game put the files back together at runtime to load the map

Exactly what SwapMaps does, as far as I understood it while browsing through the interface real quick.

Direct quote...
"At any time, you can create, or load, a dynamic map. The library will find room for it, and then you can build on or decorate the space at will. The map will function just like any other place in your game, until you delete or unload it. Best of all, saving a swapmap is simple, and the savefiles can be transferred to other worlds."
In response to Schnitzelnagler
The thing is that its NOT what swapmaps does! its using the website to host your map, and allow you to edit it, and such, from the site rather than the code.. Now if thats what swapmaps does too, then show me exactly where.
In response to Schnitzelnagler
SwapMaps creates and loads temporary maps. It doesn't save/load existing ones.
In response to The_Zergling
Swapmaps handles the loading, and it's pretty easy to use world.Export() to get the contents of a file on the web; in fact, it's pretty much 5 lines, which doesn't exactly qualify as a library.
In response to Kaiochao
It will save a the data from the map of a current instance. It won't, though, load DMM files.