VG Cats and no doubt many other sites have already posted this, but in case you haven't heard:

(View the video on youtube for HQ)

I have to admit, the characters are growing on me. When I first saw the new group of survivors, I didn't think they would be able to fill the shoes of Zoey, Bill, Louis, and Francis... but dang, that one guy reminds me of the scout :P

Now I'm off to bed, to dream sweet zombie-blasting dreams.

(Oh, and GeoCities is shutting down? Hahahahahaha. Although a part of me is glad to see it go, I'll miss all of those random sites filled with just the information I needed when doing research...)
Yeah, I caught this on TheEscapist a few days ago and got pretty hyped up. I'm going to have to trade in a few games for it. I figured L4D would hold me over for awhile, but now it is going to bug me.
Fuck, I'm buying the game. That trailer sold it for me.

Eitherway, that country kind reminds me of myself x.x, except, I don't wear hats often anymore.
I'm certainly buying this, Borderlands and Modern Warfare 2 next month.

Anyone else notice what seemed to be a hunter in the trailer?
Borderlands comes out today on the PC I believe.

Note: There's not alot of gore, but the game itself is really damn fun. I enjoy sniping on it.
Borderslands, Uncharted 2, Modern Warfare 2 and Left 4 dead 2. This christmas. No Doubt about it.

Never played the original L4D...All I know is that you kill zombehz.