                        var/dup_check = 0
for(var/obj/duel_obj/OO in d_stat_list)
dup_check = 1
if(!dup_check) = {"<font color=#b54d4d><IMG SRC='[D.mob.icon]' ICONSTATE="[D.mob.icon_state]" ICONDIR=SOUTH><b>[]</b></font>"}
if(D.mob.Partners.len) for(var/X in D.mob.Partners)
var/mob/M = D.mob.Partners[X] += {"<font color=#b54d4d> and <IMG SRC='[M.icon]' ICONSTATE="[M.icon_state]" ICONDIR=SOUTH><b>[]</b></font>"}
for(var/XX in D.mob.Opponents)
var/mob/M = D.mob.Opponents[XX]
if(!findtext(, += {"<font color=#b54d4d> -VS- <IMG SRC='[M.icon]' ICONSTATE="[M.icon_state]" ICONDIR=SOUTH><b>[]</b></font>"}
if(M.Partners.len) for(var/X in M.Partners)
var/mob/MP = M.Partners[X]
if(!findtext(, += {"<font color=#b54d4d> and <IMG SRC='[MP.icon]' ICONSTATE="[MP.icon_state]" ICONDIR=SOUTH><b>[]</b></font>"}

O.icon = 'd_stats.dmi'
O.icon_state = "full"
O.spectate = 1
d_stat_list += O

Problem description:

So... im trying to make a statpanel for players playing against each other in my game.

The goal here is to have 1 line that shows the following

(Game Type Icon) (P1 Icon) Player 1 and (P2 Icon) Player 2 -VS- (P3 Icon) and (P4 Icon)

But the above coding isnt showing the player's icons on the line.

It's just coming out as...

(Game Type Icon) Player 1 and Player 2 -VS- Player 3 and Player 4

Is it even possible to display multiple images per line in a statpanel?

To clarify. This is a statpanel showing a list of generated objects. (O in this case) that have click() procs tied to them. The (Game Type Icon) im listing is the icon of the obj. I build the var based off of contents of the individual games. The dup_check line is there to avoid duplicate entries for multiple players in the same game.