Keywords: miscellaneous
...because converting Kunark's tutorials to blog format is hard.

Under the Spreading Tech Tree

Congratulations to ACWraith for reaching the first anniversary of "Along The Tech Tree." On the Internet, keeping something alive for a year is a pretty remarkable achievement. Keeping something of high quality -- like AtTT -- alive is even more remarkable. Well done! BYONDStrategy?command=view_post&post=40597

I see London; I see France; I see YourIcy

Aaiko has built something interesting. And unlike some sites that have entered my attention space, it's uncluttered and responds quickly. You can try it out for free -- plus there might even be a BYOND membership in it for you, if you act soon. Details here: Aaiko?command=view_post&post=40566

Best of the Design Philosophy forum since last week

Miran94 has a pretty slick idea for a game.

How do you keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen the river?

Traztx has some great brainstorming for kid-oriented games (which I think is an area of huge potential for BYOND):

Gary Gygax's corpse isn't even cold yet and people are questioning the idea of "leveling up" (and Gary would have wanted it that way):

A game about catching crabs (ceci n'est pas une double entendre)

In non-BYOND gaming news, IGN presents the Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm Dev Diary. I've been following this game with a custom Google News section for a few weeks now. It's hard to guess at this point how good it will be, but the potential for innovation is enormous. Article:

Irresistible quote: "Crabs can only stay alive for so long in such a confined space and dead crabs release toxins that kill other nearby crabs."
Figure out what the definitive HTML is in the tutorials and make a script do it. Even if it doesn't catch them all, it will do most of the work for you.

I really need to make some new ones that aren't as poorly written (as in, they aren't great in terms of making people understand my points). I just need to find the time to.
I'm on Spring break, so I'd be happy to convert them if you'll link me to them.
DarkCampainger wrote:
I'm on Spring break, so I'd be happy to convert them if you'll link me to them.

Thanks, DC! But I'm almost done with part one, and I think the other two will go faster.

Kunark, I've considered writing a script, but at this point most of the BYONDscape article content is already converted so it's probably not worth the trouble. A lot of the typical problems with converting BYONDscape articles can't be handled well by a script anyway (at least not a script that I could write in less time than it would take to convert the articles).