(See the best response by Jemai1.)
mob/verb/CreateClone(Name as text)
winclone(src, "OriginalWindow", Name)

var/obj/O = new
O.screen_loc = "map:1,1" // O.screen_loc = "[Name].map:1,1" will not work
client.screen += O

Problem description:
I would like to clone a window containing a map, the problem is in order to place objects (using screen_loc) the name of the map must be unique.

Would there be any other way to clone a map and place objects on it?
Best response
This is problematic indeed. If you winclone the window, you'll have a map with the same id. Also, the id parameter is read-only.

A way to workaround this problem is to not place any map control in the window that you are going to clone then create the maps on runtime.

I also suggest submitting a request to fix this flaw.
In response to Jemai1
Jemai1 wrote:
A way to workaround this problem is to not place any map control in the window that you are going to clone then create the maps on runtime.

How would you create maps during runtime? I can't find anything in the reference.

Skin Reference. Under the "Creating or deleting controls at runtime" section