
Arena Game:

Well, GreatFisher decided to hit me up on MSN and finally give me Arena Game's source back so I can finish my clean up of that. Despite him thinking it was the login system, of which I recoded and cleaned up, that was causing the name glitch. It wasn't it was the say and world-say verbs themselves due to a slight typo that was made. That should now be fixed and I can continue to fix up the source itself.

After fixing up the source I plan to add the new base GreatFisher is making and with it make some new AIs and NPCs to have some fun with, With his approval that is. These recommendations were made by Branks and supported by a few people who have seen and tested the game, so I figure it would be a good addition. So Please guys keep your eyes out for this one in the near future. A link to the game will always be in my supported games box on the bottom right of my site.

Ninja Death Fight:

Seeing as at the moment i am currently fixing and cleaning up Arena Game's source this game will be on a slight halt. But don't fret, in the meantime I have managed to get Yut Put to make a 32x64 base for me with all the states that will be needed for the game. Seeing as he is currently very busy me working on Arena Game will give him the time he needs to work on what he has going on while finishing the base.

While talking about Ninja Death Fight(NDF),Id like to announce the game's credit roll will most likely be an animated ninja video. As well id like to ask you a question. Would you guys like to see a login and password screen inside the game itself, Or would you like to go off BYOND's key system? Tell me your answers bellow, if you have any suggestions on this feel free to suggest them.


Eternitys progress is currently at a halt until Branks is able to finish the base. This is because im no longer able to do anything i have planned for the game without being able to create NPC's Skill sets, overlays, and such for/of the base. Once this is finished the game will be back on track.

Off Topic:

Sadly this blog post unlike the rest has no visual artistic media. This is due to my lack of time since ill be returning to school tomorrow with new classes that i should enjoy, Such as; Java Programming and Visual basic which should greatly increase my programming capability. So yey me! Other than that i guess ill be dealing with my anti-social disorder for quite a while. Lol. Thats about it, Thanks for reading.


Mentioned People/Games

Arena Game
Yut Put