Seems that when a user has a space in their key, the keyban.txt does not recognize the ban?

example key with space

Perhaps it's an error on my part.
You can leave the spaces out when putting them in keyban.txt, and it'll work fine.
In response to Jp
Have you tried so yourself? It's simply not barring users for me.
In response to TruthKLS
I haven't tried it myself, I must admit, but in my experience BYOND works on ckeys - that is, keys stripped of spaces and some interesting punctuation. If the ckeys compare equal, it should work fine, I think.

For a definitive answer, you should probably wait for someone who actually hosts BYOND games on a regular basis.
In response to Jp
Considering I got my hostban.txt working correctly, it's curiosity at this point anyways, so I'm not really worried about it; hostban.txt does not experience this problem with spaced-keys.

Thanks though.
In response to TruthKLS
Not to sound like the mean one here but, what is the suggestion / feature?
If you are unsure how to do something you should head on over to the Dev How-To area:
If you feel something is a byond related bug, and are sure it cannot be fixed... There is a bug tracker:
In response to Leur
Leur wrote:
Not to sound like the mean one here but, what is the suggestion / feature?
If you are unsure how to do something you should head on over to the Dev How-To area:
If you feel something is a byond related bug, and are sure it cannot be fixed... There is a bug tracker:

"Discuss, query, and request features for the BYOND software and website."

He's asking about a feature.

To the original poster:

Neither keyban.txt nor hostban.txt should want to accept a space in the key. Think of each line as one long string of tokens that DD has to break down to interpret. The standard form for both of these is like so:


Notice that the space is treated as a delimiter between the key and the params. If your token instead looked like this, it could potentially get confused, but I'm not remembering if it does at the moment:


Either way, though, it would be much simpler for you to simply ckey it as was recommended before. Were you trying to ban yourself or someone else on your network before? DD/DS's bans don't apply to your local PC at least, and I'm pretty sure not your local network either.