In the byond help menu, all things there should have an example of how to use it properly, i know most things do, but still a lot of things don't, first off, the Scale() function in the help menu does not have an example of how to use it, so i dont know if it doesnt work, or im just using it wrong.

If you guys wish for me to tell you all the ones that dont have an example of how to use it, i will be glad to tell you, so i and everyone else will be able to help ourselves out, instead of having to ask, since it doesnt even have an example in the byond help menu.

Another reason i am asking this, is in this project i am doing, it is a game maker helper.

This game maker will allow for people to easily do everything implemented into byond, which the part i am working on right now, is to easily use Scale() and Turn() but the Scale() proc isnt working for me.

For Scale() it might be working right, but i dont think it is, because once i turn it 360 degrees and 180 it never gets back to what it was before, whats up?

--i also think there should be an execute() proc, i was trying to make a verb that saves the code in a variable, and it reads from that variable, and executes that code, but it would be a pain for me to implement my own parser for the byond coding language, it would just take forever.

Given in this, i would also make my own runtime checker for code to make sure it isnt incorrectly coded, but also, give some responsibility to the person actually coding it, either way, it would be a good feature to have, even if there wasnt some kind of checker to make sure its coded right, because it would just allow for more complex gaming.
FallingLegend wrote:
In the byond help menu, all things there should have an example of how to use it properly, i know most things do, but still a lot of things don't, first off, the Scale() function in the help menu does not have an example of how to use it, so i dont know if it doesnt work, or im just using it wrong.

You're using it wrong. If you're trying to make a regular icon into a bigger size, remember that big icons break down into states like "0,0", "1,0", etc. If you don't change the icon_state for the object you use to show an icon, you're looking at a thumbnail. If your icon was originally a 32×32 size, and you scale to multiples of 32 (like 64×64), the thumbnail will be identical to the scaled result.

For Scale() it might be working right, but i dont think it is, because once i turn it 360 degrees and 180 it never gets back to what it was before, whats up?

A 360° turn should end up the same as the original icon. 180° is the icon upside-down. If you do both, your result will be upside-down.

--i also think there should be an execute() proc, i was trying to make a verb that saves the code in a variable, and it reads from that variable, and executes that code, but it would be a pain for me to implement my own parser for the byond coding language, it would just take forever.

BYOND has a very limited, very buggy eval() proc. But for the most part, what you're asking wouldn't be possible.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
im trying to turn it 30 degrees to the right, but also, turn it 30 degrees south, how do i do this, because im using red squares, and turning it 30 degrees i expected to leave black only in the corners of the map, but that is not the case, it leaves black diamond-like figures in the middle of the black squares that i am trying to rotate 30 degrees.

There is some kind of bug here.

How do i install and run both 3.5 and 4.0 at the same time, so i can test in 3.5?

EDIT:for scaling, im trying to scale it down from 100% size to 75% size.
In response to FallingLegend
Probably trying to turn turfs, huh?

Turning keeps the icon in its tile, deleting the excess. And since there's nothing under turfs, blackness.
In response to Kaiochao2536
Kaiochao2536 wrote:
Probably trying to turn turfs, huh?

Turning keeps the icon in its tile, deleting the excess. And since there's nothing under turfs, blackness.

that doesnt make sense to what ive said... no matter what you turn...if nothing is under it, you will see black, anyways, if you have two squares taking up the whole tile, and you rotate both of them, you will think, hey, ill see two squares rotated so many degrees in the direction i specified, but instead, you see black IN THE MIDDLE of both squares instead of them both being turned.
In response to FallingLegend
FallingLegend wrote:
im trying to turn it 30 degrees to the right, but also, turn it 30 degrees south, how do i do this

Uh, you don't, because there's no concept of rotating something "south". You can rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise.

because im using red squares, and turning it 30 degrees i expected to leave black only in the corners of the map, but that is not the case, it leaves black diamond-like figures in the middle of the black squares that i am trying to rotate 30 degrees.

Not sure what you mean there, but a screenshot would probably help.

Are you trying to achieve an isometric perspective? If so why not just design your icons as diamonds to begin with?

Lummox JR
In response to FallingLegend
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
FallingLegend wrote:
im trying to turn it 30 degrees to the right, but also, turn it 30 degrees south, how do i do this

Uh, you don't, because there's no concept of rotating something "south". You can rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise.

because im using red squares, and turning it 30 degrees i expected to leave black only in the corners of the map, but that is not the case, it leaves black diamond-like figures in the middle of the black squares that i am trying to rotate 30 degrees.

Not sure what you mean there, but a screenshot would probably help.

Are you trying to achieve an isometric perspective? If so why not just design your icons as diamonds to begin with?

Lummox JR

Lummox, if i wanted to make an isometric perspective, and i used this to do it, i wouldnt be able to....

It doesnt matter if there are other ways to do it or not, but the features in byond need to work, either way lummox, if you make a project really quickly, and in a 3x3 map, putting a red square in the middle, and turning it 45 degrees, u should then know what i meen.

if you dont, please post a picture of what it looks like afterwords please, so i can see how it looks, and see if that is the way i think it was supposed to work.
In response to FallingLegend
if you rotate a 32x32 icon, the result has to fit in a 32x32 space. it won't expand to overlap adjacent tiles.
In response to OneFishDown
OneFishDown wrote:
if you rotate a 32x32 icon, the result has to fit in a 32x32 space. it won't expand to overlap adjacent tiles.

ok, if this was true, i wouldve thought tom would say something....

anyways, tom needs to tell me whether this is true or not, cause you COULD be wrong, depending on how you found it out, and whether what you looked at was wrong or not, even if it was part of byond's help menu, couldve been wrong.

--anyways, i need help with icons and another thing in the developers, please take a look at it
In response to FallingLegend
FallingLegend wrote:
Lummox JR wrote:
Not sure what you mean there, but a screenshot would probably help.

Are you trying to achieve an isometric perspective? If so why not just design your icons as diamonds to begin with?

Lummox, if i wanted to make an isometric perspective, and i used this to do it, i wouldnt be able to....

Used what to do it? You still haven't adequately explained what you're trying to accomplish.

It doesnt matter if there are other ways to do it or not, but the features in byond need to work, either way lummox, if you make a project really quickly, and in a 3x3 map, putting a red square in the middle, and turning it 45 degrees, u should then know what i meen.

I could only know what you mean if you actually tried at some point to explain what you're trying to do, or what you're talking about with the corners and "rotating south". What feature in BYOND is allegedly not working, and how?

Again, a screenshot would help. If you have difficulty putting this into words, remember a picture is worth 1000.

if you dont, please post a picture of what it looks like afterwords please, so i can see how it looks, and see if that is the way i think it was supposed to work.

Dude, that is exactly backwards. I can't post a screenshot of what a project is doing when I don't even know what you're expecting it to do in the first place. But you can post a screenshot of what you're doing, show the code that produced it, and explain why the screenshot doesn't live up to your expectations. Based on that, I'll finally have some kind of clue what you're saying, and I can give you an answer.

Lummox JR
In response to FallingLegend
After reading through this and the other topic you posted about turning the view, I believe I can explain (if I'm right about what you're really looking for, and what you're actually seeing, anyways)

Of course, you should be providing screenshots (and not expecting others, like Lummox, to do the work for you) if you really want to show us what's going on... But, I'm a nice guy, so I'll spend a little of my time...

I suspect that the above is what you're seeing, right? The left side is the turfs on your map before you do anything... They fill in the entire grid... Then, you apply your turn() proc to all turfs in the world, and you end up with something that looks like the right side, correct?

It looks like there are black diamonds in the middle of the squares (as you've said), BUT, this is what's really happening:

See those white outlines for each turf? Look at the turned example on the right... Those little black diamonds are not in the middle of the turfs, but they are between them, in the corners... Because (as you seem to understand, because you've even said something about this), when you turn an image inside of a grid, it fills in the corners with black (it is "empty" space under the turf)...

To see it more clearly:

This is what is happening to each turf... Its icon is being rotated within it's 32x32 square, and that's leaving blackness in the 4 corners...

When tiled together, it ends up looking like little black diamonds all over...

Now, this is what I suspect you want:

The entire map to turn together as one single unit...

Unfortunately, though, this is not possible (well, there might be some way to approximate it with some pretty complex graphical and programming work, but for all practical purposes, it simply can't be done)

The map can be rotated in multiples of 90 degrees, through a number of ways, but it cannot be rotated by other amounts, like you seem to be trying to do...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Now, this is what I suspect you want:

The entire map to turn together as one single unit...

Unfortunately, though, this is not possible (well, there might be some way to approximate it with some pretty complex graphical and programming work, but for all practical purposes, it simply can't be done)

that's what I think he was expecting too.

unfortunately, just turning each individual icon won't result in a rotation of the whole map. each icon rotates about its center, but ultimately stays in the same place. the tiles do not rotate around the map's center.

also, since each icon is bound to 32 x 32 pixels (even after being rotated), an isometric map (or any 'rotated' map) has to have smaller tiles or use multiple icons per tile.

the ability to rotate an icon at run time is very much like the ability to rotate the icon in the icon editor. the result yields a single 32x32 icon. since it can't go outside the bounds of the 32x32 icon, a 32x32 square, when rotated, will leave gaps in the corners like ssgx showed. if you had a 24x24 square centered in a 32x32 icon, it could be rotated to all angles without going outside the 32x32 bounds. however, this still won't rotate the map like you may want because, as i mentioned above, it rotates each tile about its own center, not about the map's center.
In response to OneFishDown
OneFishDown wrote:
also, since each icon is bound to 32 x 32 pixels (even after being rotated), an isometric map (or any 'rotated' map) has to have smaller tiles or use multiple icons per tile.

In 4.0, if you should be able to use icon.Turn() on icons > 32x32 with expected results. Integrating such icons into the game takes a little finesse, although can made much easier via libraries such as Shadowdarke.BigAtom (which, as I understand, has a tutorial forthcoming).
In response to FallingLegend
It's true enough to always happen..
In response to Kaiochao2536
OK, that is what i expected it to do, but also, the result you get from that little screeny thing is a bit different from what i had gotten.

On mine, when i rotate it, it doesnt confine it to the same square, so once i turned both of them after the green square passed over into my reds square, it would turn that greens square with the red one, since it overlapped into that square.