Could someone please give me an idea of what I'm doing wrong here? I'm trying to make a message board in the game I'm working on, and my verb to read messages is causing runtime errors.

runtime error: Cannot read "Kamoku--Test".author
proc name: Read Message (/obj/msgboard/verb/readmsg)
source file:,30
usr: Kamoku (/mob/pc/fighter)
src: the msgboard (/obj/msgboard)
call stack:
the msgboard (/obj/msgboard): Read Message()

and the code...
set src in oview(1)
set category = "Message Board"
set name = "Read Message"
for(O in src.contents)
var/msg = input(usr,"Which message would you like to read?") in choices+"I changed my mind."
if(msg=="I changed my mind.")
usr << browse("Author: [msg:author] Topic: [msg:topic] [msg:content]") <-- Line 30

There was actually supposed to be some HTML on that last line, but I took it out so it was shorter. I would greatly appriciate the help of anyone who helps me, as well as worship them and bring them great wealth...well, at least the first thing is true.
I'm pretty sure I've gotten the idea of what's wrong, I'm just not clear on how to fix it. I need to change msg to something that it can read the variables of...well...I'm not really positive about the whole thing, so still, help would be great.
