How do i make a turf, that when walked apon, would spawn a mob about, 5 or so spaces above them?

Plz and Thxs (Cuz i have no idea what to do)
"Or so" has no meaning.

However, what you'll want to do is use Entered() to define what happens when an atom/movable enters a turf. Remember to check if it's a mob (using ismob()), because you probably don't want objs to trigger trigger whatever you want to do.
In response to Garthor
Well you see i get that part, but im not sure how to create a mob when its stepped on.
In response to Darkarch
I believe it's

/var/mob/mobtype/O = new(loc(1,1,1))
src << "You stepped on a strange tile and [O] appeared!"

But since I'm so new I wouldn't take my word. I'd either look it up or wait for someone with some experiance to double check that for me.

In response to Timmeh_1250

/var/mob/Thwomp/O = new(locate(2,12,1))

Thats what i made....

He appears there but hes already there even if i didnt step on the turf...
In response to Darkarch
Then it sounds like you didn't need to create one at all.