I would like to know how to make a Ranking System, similiar to Dragonball Finale's showing who's what at the current moment. For Example, Xorbah is the current Prince of Vegeta, StylyGurl is the current Queen of Vegeta, etc...

        Rank_Name(mob/M in world)//PUT THE NAME OF THE RANK
set category = "Owner"//CATEROGRY
world<<"[M] has been promted RANKNAME by [usr]!"//it will say this in world u can change world into src so it goes to usr not the OOC
world<<"[M] has been made (RANK) by the Sacred Conucil !"//it will say this in world=OOC
M.Rank = "Name of rank"//name of rank
Xorbah wrote:
I would like to know how to make a Ranking System, similiar to Dragonball Finale's showing who's what at the current moment. For Example, Xorbah is the current Prince of Vegeta, StylyGurl is the current Queen of Vegeta, etc...


Hey... This is Finale's owner... I uploaded the rank file at this link... It should/might help some.
In response to Trane5
Thanks, Dragonn. Also, how would I make a certing System? (This is for a Naruto RPG, sorry.)