you attack all mobs within one circle around you. like if there is 3 of them all three get damaged.
for(var/mob/M in oview(3))

under the "for(var......" put in the damage,variables,etc...

In response to Liger314194
no not that attacks monsters within 3 spaces but 3 monsters at once within 1 space
In response to Coco123
than change to oview 1
In response to Coco123
then change oview to 1
In response to Shirukai
it says inconsistent identation
In response to Coco123
i tried it out and it worked fine for me...
In response to Jman9901
aaaaaaaaa damit let me try again
In response to Coco123
you were right it does work, sorry
In response to Coco123
no prob