Wow. I wonder if they based the girl from the game off of that girl. They look so similar!
Hmm..Cool..One of 'em kidna looks like Morgan Webb, but I really doubt its her...
Mommy! :o

In response to Kujila
Woah... that's your mother?
Psst: where do you live?
I don't understand why they even bother with all this stuff. I have read before that all the people that actully matter at these convetions, the companys and developers, usually have meetings way in advanced and actully don't have time to see half of the glitz they display at E3, or none at all.

And since you need to be part of the industry and have a pass to get in, you would think they would be a little more professional about this whole thing.

Granted if it was open for the public and designed for the gamers to go to this stuff, it would be different, but since it isn't a open public posscily I don't understand why they do it.