Keywords: b17
Being quasi-away (my time being taken by problems caused by at-home trolls) I decided I'd start my comeback by updating B17: Fortress over Germany, because it requires no work on my part (I had the update lying around from last time I worked on the project).

This is a big update to B17, adding a hud with both player score and high score display (the highscore is currently nonpersistant, lasting only the life of the session). The hud also includes a marker labeled "Miles", which counts down the miles between London in England and Berlin in Germany, the distance your flight of B17s must fly on this mission.

My intent is for the player to encounter progressively tougher defenses as the mission progresses deaper into Nazi Germany. This has already been partly added, so you may discover a particularly evil class of enemies 2000 ticks into the game >:)
The game still lacks a "final boss", so next time I pick up this project I'll probably work on that.

Enjoy! I hope to be back soon.
Looks good. Like the font!