
Poll: Join the boycott?

Yay! 79% (19)
Nay! 20% (5)

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I think we should all boycott any movie that distinctly advertises a myspace link in a trailer/poster.

Who's with me!?
Hell yea!
So you want us to boycott all Fox movies? (Myspace is owned by News Corp. who owns Fox)
So you want us to boycott all Fox movies? (Myspace is owned by News Corp. who owns Fox)

He didn't say to boycott movies with a myspace page (which is probably all Fox movies like you said), he said to boycott movies who use put their myspace link into their advertisements.

But anyways, unless you're boycotting myspace, I wouldn't :P Just about all movies have a myspace and use it to advertise, and some of them are pretty good.
I'm just boycotting any movie that has a myspace link in their trailer or on a poster.
Hell no! My main reason is 300, which is just an excellent movie. So, I'll say again, hell no!
From what I've seen, 300 didn't have it in their advertisements.
I could have sworn I saw it on the bottom of the commercials, and somewhere at the end.
You know you're watching a bad movie if a guy and two robots in the front row are watching and maikingsarcastic remarks.
let's boycott movies that advertise their myspace page! let's boycott businesses run by people with dark skin! let's justify other actions based on entirely unrelated grounds!

you're welcome to do what you want and see only the movies that you want to see. there are plenty of movies that i don't see because they don't interest me, but the only movie i'll boycott is the movie that forces people to see it.
Back in my day, they just posted those crazy .com addresses.

Yeah, for people like me who think Myspace is a bastardization of the world wide web, seeing myspace links on movie trailers is just painful.
Lets make an

Where we do nothing but make fun of myspace and people who use myspace. All day long!

hehehehe, I said long.