BYOND Version:515.1630
Operating System:Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 115.0
Applies to:byondapi
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
On certain large BYOND games (I experienced this when testing a library on tgstation), when calling Byond_ToString with a ref value as its first argument, the `buf_len` argument is greater than the actual number of bytes in the valid string representation of the value.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. clone the tgstation repo
2. insert the below dm snippet in a location where it will compile after code/game/
3. compile the c++ snippet into a library
4. replace LIB in the dm snippet with the path to the library, relative to the tgstation dme
5. Launch tgstation

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:

DM code (insert into the tgstation codebase):
var/test_object = new/obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/engine()
var/external_length = call_ext(LIB, "byond:bug_case")(test_object)
log_world("[length("[test_object]")+1], [external_length]")

C++ code:
extern "C" BYOND_EXPORT CByondValue bug_case(int n, CByondValue v[]) {
CByondValue result;

char *buf = (char*)malloc(1024); // we need to allocate something to write to, even if we aren't going to return anything.

if(!buf || n < 1) { // we couldn't allocate memory or we don't have enough arguments
return result;

int out_len;
Byond_ToString(v[0], buf, &out_len);
ByondValue_SetNum(&result, out_len);

Expected Results:
The string "24, 24" should be output to world.log. This is because the string representation of an unmodified /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal is "The supermatter crystal", which has a length of 23 characters (the extra 1 is to account for the null terminator)

Actual Results:
The second number in the output string is larger than the first.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
Whenever the name var has been assigned from dm, but only in certain large projects.
In other games?
The bug did not occur in a minimal project I wrote to test byondapi features.
On other computers?

When does the problem NOT occur?
If the name var has been set to a string from byondapi, the bug stops occurring until the var is assigned from dm. This problem also does not occur in small projects, such as one I used to test when the bug happens.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)

Any code that assumes that the last value in an output buffer is a null byte should truncate the buffer to the first null byte, which occurs at the end of the portion of the buffer corresponding to the valid string of the atom's string conversion.
I'm a little confused here: The test case isn't a test case? If the above code doesn't reproduce the bug, then I can't use it for anything.

It sounds like this report needs to bake a little longer until there's a test case that can reproduce the issue.
I have edited the original post with proper reproduction steps.
Cloning /tg to test this issue really, really isn't an option with the complexity involved. There has to be a simpler way to get at this.
I'm trying to figure out something that causes the bug to occur without building off of an extremely complicated project. If I can get it to happen on a small project, I will update the reproduction steps with what I did to cause it.