Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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Would like the ability to remove all turfs/objs, while holding down the CTRL key or an alternative key.. I would like this to apply even if the pixel_z is different between the old tile and the new tile.

With both turfs and objs in the new map editor, I find myself placing multiple turfs on the same location. With the way I manipulate tiles upon initialization, this has quickly produced a huge headache for me. I feel like the new map editor just lacks a few key features like this a finished improvement over the prior one
The Ctrl key has a different purpose now, so it no longer functions to toggle between insert/replace. Because it serves a useful role elsewhere I don't think it'd be a simple thing to make it go back to the old behavior.

The decision to change the modifier keys was discussed at length, and that discussion involved several people who work with the map editor a lot. More voices would've been helpful in that, but not a lot of people stepped up. So at this point doing a 180 on that is just not feasible. I'd rather find a different way to toggle that.