(See the best response by D4RK3 54B3R.)
Problem description:
I've got a 7x7 map and the view is such that all 49 tiles are viewable at all times. Think top down game board. The game board changes sizes and dimensions so one time it can be 3x3 and another time, 3x4. The 3x3 map is automatically centered like this:
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][X][X][X][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][X][X][X][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][X][X][X][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Note: The [ ] are just black space.

The 3x4 map is slightly off and I'd like to shift it to the right by 50% of icon size so it appears centered to the client.
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][X][X][X][X][ ][ ]
[ ][X][X][X][X][ ][ ]
[ ][X][X][X][X][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

I can't seem to get client.eye to budge for me no matter which perspective or reference point I use. How can I achieve that effect?
Best response
The client has pixel_x and pixel_y attributes for adjusting exactly this.
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
The client has pixel_x and pixel_y attributes for adjusting exactly this.

aaaahrrg... I had looked for pixel_x but I looked under client.eye and never thought to look under just client. Gah.


    client.pixel_x += 64