Is there any hope that some form of shader system will be implemented? It'd make sense as an 'offloading graphics to the client' thing, and make stuff like cool night-vision and water effects possible without any server lag.
You mean client-side pallete manipulation? That would rock.
In response to Xooxer
Yeh - doing a similar operation to each pixel of any object applied with a certain 'shader'. I say shaders because I assume that there's some way BYOND could use something already existing such as Cg.
In response to Hazman

i doubt tom will ever go that far

they love cross compatibility anyways
In response to FIREking
Are you joking? There's just no way to run BYOND on anything other than windows, point-blank. You don't even get Dream Maker. Just the terminal compiler.
Try MapColors()?
In response to Koil
I think MapColors() would cause a lot of lag when a lot of procs are running and when there are a lot of players.
In response to Kakashi24142
Exactly. Plus, I want to apply different types of shader to different clients, such as a NV shader or Infra Red shader - which can't be non-laggily done with MapColors().