(See the best response by Ter13.)
Hello. I'm trying to make map generator using perlin noise, but i didn't understand one thing. I generated layers like this, but how can i combine this layers to get one smoothed layer?

Sorry i don't know engilsh well.

Best response
Your image is somewhat misleading there.

These "layers", you are looking at are actually LOD chunks.

When you generate a perlin noise field, you are actually pulling coordinates, which relate to heuristic data in the function.

Therefore, each one of those layers represents an order of magnitude less detail.

Lod level = 2^n+1 samples per axis

LOD 0 = 1
LOD 1 = 2
LOD 2 = 4
LOD 3 = 8

Each level of detail samples arbitrarily within the center of a defined coordinate region:

X = S/2^n

Now, when you are talking about "smoothing", you are a bit confused. Perlin noise doesn't return smooth results. It returns a noise pattern. If you want to arbitrarily smooth your results, however, you can use any number of techniques, such as linear interpolation, bicubic, quadratic, ect.

And when you talk about layers, you are also a bit confused, because layering perlin noise is literally just math.

If point A on Layer 1 returns a value of 1.0 and point A on Layer 2 returns a value of 0.0, different layer functions would return different values. For instance, you could add then and receive 1.0. You could average them, and receive 0.5.

It all depends on what you want to do.

Noise is a very complex thing to grasp right off the bat, but once you start playing with it and finding ways to pull shapes out of it, you'll just start to "get" it. Pseudorandom world generation is just not something that can really be taught. You have to see the patterns first hand, and you have to make mistakes for yourself.
Ok thanks.