it says stat bad var expected 1 arg

here is code

statpanel("Grow Part")
stat = "Unused Experience"[src.uexp]

mob/avatar/verb/GrowPart(M as mob in view (0), msg as text)
variable = input("What part do you wish to grow?", "Parts", "Claw")
set category = "Special"
return ..()

what is wrong with it
stat isn't a var it's a proc

Look at this to see how to use stats.
In response to Nadrew
See there you go Nadrew another reason to keep your Library:)
In response to Darke Rage
it would help me much more if you would plainly tell me how to code it for I have looked at the leveling system before.
and am now and cannot figure out what you mean.
In response to Vermolius
You have "stat=" which makes the compiler think you're trying to use a var, and stat isn't a var it's a proc here's an example of how you do it:

stat("Health","[HP]/[MaxHP]")//See I used it as a proc and not a var
In response to Nadrew
thanks nandrew I got it,now I need to figure out how prompting the user works :>