can someoen tell me how to code someon in as GM4??
like whats the command line for it
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Also, just an additive. There is no byond status of "GM." You can't code "person = GM" and all of a sudden magic happens. You have to literally code GM verbs and then code a procedure (or verb) that turns a target into a GM (which would then give them the verbs) Since you are new, I would suggest NOT making GM code and rather get a functioning game. There's no point in having a referee if you ain't got no teams on the football field.
In response to Lugia319
i alrdy have all da stuff im hosting a game for a friend, and i just need to know wat da command line is to code someone in
There should be a spot in your code where it lists certain Byond Keys as admins find that and then add the key you would like in...
In response to Pakistan
noone is admin yet
In response to Eazy07
u can't possiblee ixpict peeple 2 t8k u srsly with ur grammar and seying stuf liek "da"
but if u wunt stuf liek GM:
You need to get DM to recognize your BYOND Key

Add this to your code:

mob //recognizes the mob
Login() // calling the login proc
world<<"<b>[usr] has logged in!"
if(usr.key=="Eazy07") // recognizes your BYOND name

Then you'll need your if statement to do something.

assuming you have already made GM verbs, you need to add:

usr.verbs += typesof(/mob/Admin/verb)

Change the path to YOUR path for the verbs.

If you have not yet set up your verbs, I would recommend making a separate file for them.

Since Boot is a simple verb, let's make it:

Announce(message as message)
set category = "Admin"
set name = "Announce"
set desc = "(message) Announce something to all players logged in"
if (message)
C.mob << "<hr><center><b>---<font color=purple>{Announcement From [src]}</font>---</b><br><b><font color=red>[message]</font></center><hr>"

I'll leave the rest to you :)

In response to BeignetLover
says if statement has no effect
In response to Eazy07
You're not meant to just copy/paste the code. Also, their method is not ideal at all, you should be keeping a global list of all moderators instead of checking specific keys.
In response to LordAndrew
I don't know what you mean by global list, but my method was meant for beginners, plus, the usr key is only for starting the GM family, after that, he can use an Add GM verb
In response to BeignetLover
Global list, essentially a list for everyone in the game really. You code it like this.

GM = list("key1","key2","key3")

Which you would then utilize later with

if(src.key in GM)
src.verbs += /mob/proc/GM
In response to Lugia319
I think that would also be useful for a log