Well, I'm wondering if it's possible to let ur screen flash green or red or any colour? I mean the screen where the map is being outputted. And also, could you give me any things to look up? Or just some guidelines?

Thanks in advance, Raimo.
I think you mean fading
In response to Taha123
Not really, because then I would say 'How to fade..'.
I mean, like really flashing. For example from green to blank to green to blank to green to blank to green to blank and etc. And after a while it stops.
In response to Raimo
In response to Taha123
That's only for a certain area.. But I will try to tweak it like I want it to be.
You'll want to create an object and assign its screen_loc to "NORTHWEST to SOUTHEAST" (as opposted to 1,1 to 11,11, or direct screen coordinates) if you want to cover the entire screen. Then simply add it onto client.screen and you have your desired effect.

var/obj/HUD/H = new/obj/HUD
H.screen_loc = "NORTHWEST to SOUTHEAST"
client.screen += H