Are you able to order ur statpanels and categories like you want them? Because I want to have that a certain statpanel shows up next to a certain category.

Thanks in advance,
I'm pretty sure they are ordered as they are defined in the Stat() proc... If not, they are alphabetically arraged... Of course, you can always use the interface editor to make something more customized.
In response to Ter13
That's true. They're ordered as they are defined in the Stat() proc. But lets take this as example. When I'm one step away of a computer object for example (oview(1)), I get a category tab with verbs and a statpanel with a list in it. But they are not standing next to eachother. The statpanel is defined under the Stat() proc. The order is like this: Stats, Inventory, Who, Computer Contents, Commands, Events, Computer.

Till the Computer Contents tab, those are statpanels, the rest are categories. Computer Contents and Computer tabs are the one which popups if I'm standing infront of the object. But how would I get it that they're standing next to eachother? Is there any way to do that?

Sorry if this is a complicated text.
In response to Raimo
Negatory, and if there is, it's hidden deep in the bowels of some arcane feature nobody uses.
In response to Ter13
Okay. Thanks for letting me know.