        switch(input("Would you like to gamble with [usr]?") in list ("Yes","No"))
line132 if("yes")
src = usr
world << "[src] has acceapted the gambling request!"
world << "[src] has declined the gambling request. :("

132:error: : expected "if" or "else"
I don't get it. line 132 is only if("yes")
It doesn't look like proper indentation to me
In response to Ripiz
Thanks. Fixed it.
In response to Blafblabla
Another thing.

var/gamble pick(11,12)
if("gamble = 11")
world << "[usr] has won the gambling match, and [src] has lost!"
if("gamble = 12")
world << "[usr] has lost the gambling match, and [src] has won!"

Might be because of the double if("Yes").
In response to Blafblabla
Blafblabla wrote:
var/gamble pick(11,12)
if("gamble = 11")
world << "[usr] has won the gambling match, and [src] has lost!"
if("gamble = 12")
world << "[usr] has lost the gambling match, and [src] has won!"

This is wrong on so many levels.
You aren't using assignment, the variable is defined in a local scope, you're creating a text string and trying to treat it like it's code, and it would be wrong even if it was (it would be ==, as == is for comparison and = is for assignment). If the indentation is actually like thiw in the code, then it's super wrong.

The best thing for you to do is to read the guide.