been looking for a year on code on npc pop out
like on pokemon games. when u walk on certain area . a pokemon pops out. then it wanders away
Why don't you set the Pokemon's invisibility to 1 and the density to 0. Then when the player/client gets x amount of steps away or towards (either one), make the Pokemon pop out.

Not very efficient but it's what comes off the top of my head. You should probably make that a mob/proc and apply it to all the Pokemon.

thanx i post again if anything else
In response to Rinstar87
w8 can u put the full 1 up plz cause i dont kno how to finish it. i admint am a newbie in this coding thing
In response to Rinstar87
In response to Garthor
hmmmm k am reading it...but let me explain word to word wat am trying to do. Basicly like this. When u step in certain area. theres should be like a 10 properbilty that a pokemon apppears.thenit wanders kno walk on pokemon games u walk on grassthenit says wild {pokemon} appears....10 seconds later {pokemon} has wader away
In response to Rinstar87
If you are new to programming then you need to learn the basics before trying to do anything specific.