How would I get my game to check which map the game is currently (as a variable: like this: var/map = mars)in when a new person joins? So he gets teleported to that new map? I would apprecitate it!

(Also, could I get a host verb that allows the host to change the map, and everyone in game is teleported to that map? Thanks!)

Well you can just record the zlevel onto the map var. Then when they login you can just use locate().
var/map = 1 //the map zlevel
src.loc = locate(x,y,map)

I think that should work

And for the host verb
var/zlvl = input("Enter The map number","Map Change") as num|null
map = zlvl
for(var/mob/M in world)
M.loc = locate(M.x,M.y,map)

Is this what you want?